Greetings. Perhaps we’ve met before, perhaps not. Maybe you’ve been at a Waifs show at some point over the last 30 years. Maybe I signed your album, shook your hand, gave you a hug or perhaps we posed for a selfie together.

Maybe we are in the process of getting reacquainted right now or perhaps we’re meeting for the first time. Either way, if you’re here checking out my website and music, then hopefully you’ll feel a warmth, a familiarity, and a welcome.

Over these past decades of playing music around Australia and the world with my Waifs family, I’ve often been asked  the question, “when are you going to do your own album?” I’ve flirted with the idea before, made a few false starts and for whatever reason, it just hasn’t quite been the right time…until now.

I’ve been so lucky to have shared the magical gift of music with some very special women over the years, Missy Higgins, Sara Storer and of course my dear sisters Donna Simpson and Vikki Thorn of the Waifs. Well folks, it’s happening again.

During last years lockdown lunacy, I was invited to be part of a creative collective called “song club”. Each week, myself and a half dozen other brave souls were given a prompt which we had to turn into a song. It was a great way to stay connected and creative through a difficult time. One of my fellow song clubbers was Felicity Urquhart and our creative connection has turned into an eleven track album titled…The Song Club.

We recorded, performed and produced it all on our own and we’re pretty chuffed with ourselves. It’ll be released on ABC music on May 7 and we’ll be sharing the love with lots of live gigs coming up throughout the year. Those of you who are game enough can even apply to host us at your house through Parlour Gigs.

Music is such a wonderful connective force. It connects people to people. It can reconnect our minds to memories and our hearts to emotions long forgotten. I’m hoping that through the music you’ll experience, if you jump on board, you’ll be connected to something meaningful and enriching. This world can never have too many invitations to celebrate and feel positive, so we are officially inviting you to do just that.  The collection of songs on this album tell a positive story. We hope you’ll love this music as much as we do and come along for the ride.

