Wearing oversized clothes was a part of life for me as a kid. On account of growing up in a poor family, most everything I wore was at least one size too big. Many would use the word “underprivileged” to describe the way I grew up, but I regard it as a privilege...
The coastline of Australia is approximately 34,000km in length, and by my calculations (in terms of distance covered) I’ve run right the way around. When I was young and fit – before my knees began to show the ill effects from years of pounding the hard,...
Greetings, Friends A few years back when The Waifs were doing a West Australian tour, I decided to drive over from NSW rather than take the conventional approach of travelling the 4000km journey in a plane. Adding to the sense of adventure was the fact that my vehicle...
I’ve never driven anything but old bombs. They always served their purpose for a time before meeting a variety of ends. One was stolen, one was gifted, one was taken in a divorce settlement and more than one ended up at the wreckers. Sometimes life and love can leave...
My Grandma came to live with the family when she was in her late 80’s. She’d been in decline for some years and was no longer able to live on her own. Eventually she wasn’t able to live with the family anymore either, and saw out the final months of her life in a...
Greetings. Perhaps we’ve met before, perhaps not. Maybe you’ve been at a Waifs show at some point over the last 30 years. Maybe I signed your album, shook your hand, gave you a hug or perhaps we posed for a selfie together. Maybe we are in the process of getting...